Yo (JL) empiezo el lunes mi ruta por la Costa Este Australiana y con intenión de llegar al Uluru (Outback) y bucear en la Gran Barrera de Coral. Un viaje que acabaré el 18 de mayo cuando vuelva a Sydney a recoger a mi (ex-) mujer para irnos a Nueva Zelanda.
Belén se encargará de actualizar el blog con el material de Japón, Singapur y Bali que aún no hemos publicado y de ir contando sus pericias en Sydney. Ciudad que nos ha recibido con los brazos abiertos, en gran parte gracias a Frederique. Una chica francesa que conocimos en Kho Rong (Cambodia) y que nos recogió y acogió en su casa casi sin conocernos...y yo aún sigo en su sofá!! jejeje.
Lo dicho, que hacemos un 'Tú a Bostón y yo a California' y así será más entretenido seguir nuestras aventuras porque serán dobles :)
Ha ha ha ha, no worries! Our separation it is only for 1 month. We arrived to Australia last Monday 15th April and as Belen she already visited the country (3 years ago she travelled in a campervan for 3 months), she decided to stay in Sydney and find a temporary job to heal her budget. The good news are that she already got it with accomodation included! The bad news is that, after being together for 7 months 24h....she is abandoning me the month of my 30th B-Day!!! Blue and aloneee!!!
Me (JL), I start travelling through the East Coast next Monday. My trip will follow the Coast up to the North, with intention to get to the Outback and dive in the Great Coral Barrier.
Belen will update the Blog with all the staff remaining from Japan, Singapore and Bali and telling her Sydney stories. Sydney wellcomed us so well and all thanks to Frederique, a French girl we met in Kho Rong (Cambodia) and picked us up from the airport and hosted us...actually, I'm still in her sofa, he he he.
So, we are in a 'You in Boston, Me in California' mood, but it will be even nicer for you as we will have double stories to tell you in here :)