Who are WE?

Somos dos amigos de la adolescencia que, tras vivir en ciudades tan distintas como Málaga, Madrid, Londres o Barcelona hace algo más de un año decidimos hacer un parón profesional y dar la vuelta al mundo juntos antes de los 30 años (bueno, Belén los ha cumplido un mes antes de salir je, je, je).

Belén es diplomada en Turismo y ha viajado por Europa, Australia y Nueva Zelanda.

JL es Periodista y ha viajado por Europa, Rusia, Chile, Turquía y USA.


We are two friends who met each other when we were teenagers at the High school. We have been living in cities such as Malaga, Madrid, London or Barcelona and decided to have a professional break and travel around the world before being 30 years old (actually, Belén was 30 a month before our departure, he he he).

Belén has a degree in Tourism and has travelled through Europe, Australia and New Zealand.

JL is Journalist and has travelled through Europe, Russia, Chile, Turkey and US.

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